What Is A Prosthodontist?


What Is A Prosthodontist? A prosthodontist is a general dentist who has worked for at least 2 years in general dental practice and then has completed a further 3-year full time accredited specialist training program at a university. Once completing their specialist training, some prosthodontists may decide to focus [...]

Minor Oral Surgery


Specialist For Minor Oral Surgery Dr. Florian Mack provides minor oral surgery services including dental extractions, minor soft tissue surgery and oral surgery related to orthodontic treatments. If you would like to know if Dental Crowns would be suitable for you please give us a call 07 [...]

Porcelain Veneers


Why Do People Choose Porcelain Veneers? We don’t all have the perfectly aligned set of teeth and it may be just one tooth or many that you have a desire to change. If you have teeth that are visibly misaligned or discoloured or both, it could be that [...]

Dental Bridges


Replace Missing Teeth With A Dental Bridge What Is A Dental Bridge? Patients looking to restore or replace a missing tooth or teeth have the option of a dental bridge. These are a fixed prosthesis and anchored by two healthy teeth on either side of the gap, called an abutment. Bridges [...]

Dental Crowns


Dental Crowns And What's Involved What Is A Dental Crown? A dental crown can be described as a covering or cap that goes around a tooth. A natural tooth has two sections. The section above the gum is a called a clinical crown and the section the below the [...]

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